Narendra Modi is doing a Commendable Work day by day in India

As we are aware our popular Prime Minister considered himself as Pradhan Sevak and not Pradhan Mantri’. He does not want to waste a single Minute without serving the Mankind all World. After Corona epidemic which is taking lives of so many People in China and Italy etc he has taken so many steps to fight from corona. He has send a Good amount of Money to China. In spite of this he has proposed to Solider to be World Leader to save the mankind of any Country. On 22 March 2020 he had advised Indian Citizens to fight corona by Clapping and other measures. The result of this was very Positive as almost all People of Country obeyed his advice without considering on party lines.
It is a Good sign of Humanity in India. I think that in near Future our Prime Minister would be able to establish himself as a welfare Leader of India. We pray to God that he should Live Long to Serve India better.
